Expresiones útiles para Speaking part 2 del examen PET de Cambdrige

 Preparate para hacer tu mejor examen oral de PET usando las siguientes expresiones útiles para cada momento del speaking part 2 .

Expresiones para empezar a hablar con tu compañero:
-Well we have to choose/talk about...
-Why don't we first talk about each... before we decide.
-What should we do first?

Expresiones para invitar a tu compañero a hablar:
-That's a good idea. Let's start with ... Is that Ok with you?
-Maybe we should just go in order. What do you think?
-How do you see it?
-Do you think we should...?

Expresiones para presentar una idea o expresar tu opinión:
-I think we should... / I don't think...
-I definitely think we need...
-In my opinion, ...
-Wouldn't it better if...
-If you ask me, ...
-Personally, I don't agree/like...
-I'm not sure I'd go along with that.

Expresiones para mostrar acuerdo:
-That's absolutely true.
-It's a good idea if you take into account that...
-I couldn't agree more.
-You've got a point.

Expresiones para mostrar desacuerdo:
-Well, I don't think...
-I'm not sure I agree with you. I think...
-That's not how I see it. I think that...
-Well, I hand't thought about that. We could...

Expesiones para concluir:
-Right then. So you're saying that..., but I think...
-So if we summarize, we can say that we are choosing...

 Ahora ya sabés qué expresiones usar para cada momento de tu examen. Éxitos!


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